Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.2
How to automatically clean up old devices from Mobility
How to automatically delete devices that have not connected for a certain number of days
How to clean up devices automatically
Please follow the steps listed below
- Edit /etc/datasync/configengine/engines/default/pipelines/pipeline1/connectors/mobility/connector.xml .
- Find the following tag
<databaseMaintenanceDeleteDaysInPast>30</databaseMaintenanceDeleteDaysInPast> - Change the number from 30 to any other number of days. By default Mobility will clean up devices if the device has not connected for 30 days.
- Save the file if a change was made and restart datasync by typing "rcdatasync restart " and press Enter.
During Nightly Maintenance, that runs at 12:00 am, all the devices that have not connected within certain number of days as mentioned in the XML will be deleted from the database.