MMC shows objects multiple times

  • 7009358
  • 14-Sep-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 SP2 (OES2SP2)
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 SP3 (OES2SP3)
Domain Services for Windows


From a workstation open MMC and browse for user, group, or container objects.

All the objects are displayed multiple time in the MMC.

The objects being displayed multiple times began after applying the August Maintenance patch.


Do a paged control ldapsearch to see if an object that is seen in MMC multiple times is displays returned several times with ldapsearch.

Example for a domain of and ou named container1 that is displayed in MMC multiple times.
ldapsearch -s one -b "dc=novell,dc=com" -E pr=100/prompt '(&(ou=container1)(!(AncestorId=34936)))' dn -LLL

dn: ou=container1,dc=novell,dc=com
dn: ou=container1,dc=novell,dc=com
dn: ou=container1,dc=novell,dc=com

Apply the November 2011 Maintenance patch resolve this issue.

After applying the maintenance patch, verify the public trustee assignment on the domain root object are correct.
If the modified trustee assignment is not corret, a value of 0 will being returned when the Domain GUID is queried.

The steps below outline how to modify the trustee assignment.

Please login in to iManager.
Go to Rights.
Modify Trustees
Select the domain root container (o=novell for example), followed by ok.
Select the trustee name Public, Assigned Rights.
Select Add Property.
Add the uniqueDomainID attribute
Make sure only Read and Inherit are checked.
Select done, followed by apply / ok.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Apply the November 2011 Maintenance patch resolve this issue.

After applying the patch provided by Novell Support, the public trustee assignment on the domain root object has to be modified.
Without the modified trustee assignment a value of 0 is being returned when the Domain GUID is queried.

The steps below outline how to modify the trustee assignment.

Please login in to iManager.
Go to Rights.
Modify Trustees
Select the domain root container (o=novell for example), followed by ok.
Select the trustee name Public, Assigned Rights.
Select Add Property.
Add the uniqueDomainID attribute
Make sure only Read and Inherit are checked.
Select done, followed by apply / ok.