5.68 iPrint client changes the ShortInstallName format to ipp://<name>

  • 7009303
  • 06-Sep-2011
  • 29-Apr-2013


Novell iPrint Client for Windows 5.68
Microsoft Windows 7


Versions of the iPrint Client outside of 5.68 displayed installed printer names on Windows workstations as follows when using the ShortInstallName feature:
<printerAgentName> on <shortName>
The <printerAgentName> is the name of the iPrint printer.  The <shortName> is the name defined in the iprint.ini next to the ShortInstallName entry.
The 5.68 iPrint client changed the ShortInstallName format to:
<printerAgentName> on ipp://<shortName>
This new style affects some applications ability to print.  AutoCad is one of the applications reported to have problems.  Other custom applications have reported issues as well. 
One printing error reported from a custom application is:
"Printer Driver not installed"


Uninstall the iPrint printers with this new ipp:// format.
Back rev the iPrint client to the 5.64 version.
Install the iPrint printer again.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

The change introduced in the 5.68 client resolves a problem with the HP UPD on Windows 7 with the HP UPD versions 5.2 and 5.3.  However, since release the 5.68 client, Novell has found:
  • Customers are confused by the changed format
  • Some applications do not work well with the new format
  • HP will be releasing a 5.4 version of the HP UPD which will resolve the issue the 5.68 was resolving by changing the format.
With these concerns revealed, the 5.68 iPrint client has been pulled from the Novell Download site. The resolution to the issue which the 5.68 iPrint Client was attempting to resolve is to update the print driver to the 5.4 HP Universal Print Driver.  HP released the 5.4 UPD 01DEC2011.