Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE) 2.5
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell Remote Manager
Linux User Management
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell Remote Manager
Linux User Management
Admin user is unable to login to Remote Manager.
Root user is able to login to Remote Manager.
Unable to use "id admin" to verify that the admin user is LUM enabled.
Default admingroup is missing.
Root user is able to login to Remote Manager.
Unable to use "id admin" to verify that the admin user is LUM enabled.
Default admingroup is missing.
For users to log in as user Admin or equivalent, the Admin user must
either be associated to the group that has the Supervisor right for the
Entry Rights property for the UNIX Workstation object or have the
Supervisor right for the Entry Rights to the NCP object that represents
the Linux server in the eDirectory tree.
For non-Admin users to log in using eDirectory credentials, they must be users enabled for Linux User Management. Users who are enabled for Linux User Management have a Linux Profile tab on their Modify User page in iManager and an eDirectory object that is associated with the UNIX Workstation object that represents the Linux server.
In this case the admin user was not LUM enabled during the installation. The following steps will walk you through the creation of an admin group, LUM enabling the admingroup, and LUM enabling the admin user.
1. Launch iManager
2. In Roles and Tasks, select Groups > Create Group.
3. On the Create Group page, specify the group (admingroup) and context for the group.
4. Select the group type. The default admingroup is not a dynamic, or nested group.
5. Click Modify. And select the Membership tab, then browse for the admin user and add the user to the group.
LUM enable the admingroup:
1. Select Linux User Management > Enable Groups for Linux
2. Select a group to be enabled for Linux User Management. (In this case select admingroup.)
3. Select Linux-enable all users in these Groups to enable all users in the group for Linux User Management.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the Unix workstation object associated with this server, and the unix config object of the workstation.
6. Next
7. A summary of the selected object and workstation is displayed.
8. Click Finish.
Restart NAMCD: rcnamcd restart
You should now be able to "id admin" as well as login with the admin user in Remote Manager.
For non-Admin users to log in using eDirectory credentials, they must be users enabled for Linux User Management. Users who are enabled for Linux User Management have a Linux Profile tab on their Modify User page in iManager and an eDirectory object that is associated with the UNIX Workstation object that represents the Linux server.
In this case the admin user was not LUM enabled during the installation. The following steps will walk you through the creation of an admin group, LUM enabling the admingroup, and LUM enabling the admin user.
1. Launch iManager
2. In Roles and Tasks, select Groups > Create Group.
3. On the Create Group page, specify the group (admingroup) and context for the group.
4. Select the group type. The default admingroup is not a dynamic, or nested group.
5. Click Modify. And select the Membership tab, then browse for the admin user and add the user to the group.
LUM enable the admingroup:
1. Select Linux User Management > Enable Groups for Linux
2. Select a group to be enabled for Linux User Management. (In this case select admingroup.)
3. Select Linux-enable all users in these Groups to enable all users in the group for Linux User Management.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the Unix workstation object associated with this server, and the unix config object of the workstation.
6. Next
7. A summary of the selected object and workstation is displayed.
8. Click Finish.
Restart NAMCD: rcnamcd restart
You should now be able to "id admin" as well as login with the admin user in Remote Manager.
Additional Information
In this case the OES server was added to an existing eDirectory tree, the master replica holder of that tree was a NetWare 6.0 server. This may explain why the admin user was not LUM enabled by default. The customer remembers seeing an error when the installation attempted to LUM enable admin.