Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise 2012
Emails get strangely retracted
Emails get delivered before the delivery date
Things to take care of before re-creating or restoring ngwdfr.db
When an email is set to be delivered at a future date/time a record is created in the ngwdfr.db and the record points to a BLOB file in PostOffice\offiles directory
When an expiration date/time is set on an email a record for the retraction is created in the ngwdfr.db and the record points to a BLOB file in PostOffice\offiles directory
When ngwdfr.db is recreated or restored from backup and contents check is run, all the BLOB files that do not have corresponding entries in the ngwdfr.db is adopted and processed immediately. This causes all the BLOB files to be adopted to ngwdfr.db and processed immediately. This can cause emails to be delivered before the date/time set. This can also cause emails to be retracted before the expiration date/time.
If the ngwdfr.db gets corrupted, it is better to restore it from backup than recreate it.