Auto upgrade of AdminStudio 10 to 10 SP1 fails when ZEN Migration Utility is also installed/present in the same box/machine.

  • 7009191
  • 16-Aug-2011
  • 15-Aug-2012


AdminStudio 10 Standard Edition for ZENworks Configuration Management or AdminStudio 10 ZENworks Edition


During the upgrade attempt of AdminStudio on a Windows XP SP3 device, an ERROR was generated

ERROR: " Admin Studio or Standalone Repackager must be installed to run this update.The setup will now exit"  (Screenshot attached AS4 )


This is fixed in version 11.2 - see KB 7010044 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at

Currently the ZenMigration utility is changing the AdminStudio 10.0 Product code in the registry.

Before Installation of "ZEN Migration Utility":

"Product Code"= {0E4FCE9C-5868-48B1-95DF-85B4B34418AA}

After Installation of "ZEN Migration Utility":

"Product Code"= {6E49FC53-09CA-401C-B430-B70D9D70828B}

As a potential workaround, change the product code back to the original code before proceeding with the upgrade.

Note: Without the ZEN Migration utility , AdminStudio upgrade is successful from 10 to 10 SP1 in Win XP SP3 using software Manager.

Additional Information

Steps to duplicate:
1. Install the Admin Studio 10 in Win XP SP3
2. Click on the Software updates ( option available @ start -> All programs - > Software updates ) OR Install ZENworks Migration utility (ZEN 11.1)
3.  Using the Software Manager, download the updates available & try to install the mandatory updates.