AdminStudio 10 Standard Edition for ZENworks Configuration Management or AdminStudio 10 ZENworks Edition
During the upgrade attempt of AdminStudio on a Windows XP SP3 device, an ERROR was generated
ERROR: " Admin Studio or Standalone Repackager must be installed to run this update.The setup will now exit" (Screenshot attached AS4 )
This is fixed in version 11.2 - see KB 7010044 "ZENworks Configuration Management 11.2 - update information and list of fixes" which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support
Currently the ZenMigration utility is changing the AdminStudio 10.0 Product code in the registry.
Before Installation of "ZEN Migration Utility":
"Product Code"= {0E4FCE9C-5868-48B1-95DF-85B4B34418AA}
After Installation of "ZEN Migration Utility":
"Product Code"= {6E49FC53-09CA-401C-B430-B70D9D70828B}
As a potential workaround, change the product code back to the original code before proceeding with the upgrade.
Note: Without the ZEN Migration utility , AdminStudio upgrade is successful from 10 to 10 SP1 in Win XP SP3 using software Manager.
Additional Information
Steps to duplicate:
1. Install the Admin Studio 10 in Win XP SP3
2. Click on the Software updates ( option available @ start -> All programs - > Software updates ) OR Install ZENworks Migration utility (ZEN 11.1)
3. Using the Software Manager, download the updates available & try to install the mandatory updates.