Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
In environment with Linux subscriptions enabled in 11, the update to 11.1 may hang at this line in system-update.log:
DEBUG;;;Starting process: /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure Options: -c@YUMRepo@-c@YUMServiceSchedule@-c@LinuxPatchCreate@-c@LPMSystemUpdateAction@WAIT_FOR_EXIT:CHECK_EXIT_CODE
The novell-zenworks-configure.log shows these errors:
[2011.08.10-14:39:58] INFO: Started LPM-System-Update-Action at :2011-08-10 14:39:58.976
[2011.08.10-14:40:50] INFO: Failed to get the system requirement from given actionnull
[2011.08.10-14:40:50] INFO: Failed to get the system requirement from given actionnull
[2011.08.10-14:42:23] INFO: Failed to update the RPM Contentnull
[2011.08.10-14:42:23] INFO: Failed to get the system requirement from given actionnull
[2011.08.10-14:40:50] INFO: Failed to get the system requirement from given actionnull
[2011.08.10-14:40:50] INFO: Failed to get the system requirement from given actionnull
[2011.08.10-14:42:23] INFO: Failed to update the RPM Contentnull
[2011.08.10-14:42:23] INFO: Failed to get the system requirement from given actionnull
When there are many Linux subscription bundles with many "noarch" actions, the novell-zenworks-configure may run out of memory. Try the following:
- Make a backup of /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure
- Modify /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure as follows:
Change the last line:
${JAVA} -Djava.library.path="${LD_LIB_PATH}" -cp "${CP}" ${DEBUG_OPTS} ${JAVA_OPTS} -Xms64m -Xmx256m com.novell.zenworks.configure.ConfigureLoader ${CONFIG_OPTS[@]:+"${CONFIG_OPTS[@]}"}
to -
Xmx512m - Rename the system-update.log file at /var/opt/novell/log/zenworks/system-update/50110100001e69ca2ccb2865b42bf7b3
- Rerun the update.