Cannot download large files through Linux Access Gateway Proxy - Proxy renders subset of data receives from web server to browser

  • 7009130
  • 08-Aug-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Manager 3.1 Linux Access Gateway
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Support Pack 3 applied


Access Manager setup and working fine - users can access protected resources via the Linux Access Gateway (LAG) after authenticating to the Identity (IDP) Server. One application downloads large files (patch updates) from an accelerated web server but users downloading these patch updates via the LAG cannot open them on the browser. Looking at the size of the file downloaded on the browser, the file appears to be smaller than what it should be - it is often around 130k bytes. The problem has been seen downloading files from NetStorage servers too, and ranging from back end files of between 4MB and 5GB.


Apply Access Manager 3.1 Support Pack 3 Interim Release 2 (3.1.3-292) or greater.

There may be occasions where the issue still occurs (due to throttling between the LAG and Web server) and we can workaround this by enabling following touch file:

touch /var/novell/.noFillThrottling

and restarting the /etc/init.d/novell-vmc.