NOTE 1: Be aware that this procedure WILL require you to shut down MTA's and POA's during a rebuild process that is just a part of the suggestions to follow. You cannot avoid this, there is no other way to fix this problem. There is an Admin message loop that is likely corrupting the WPHOST.DB files and causing them to grow in size.
NOTE 2: It is important to understand that it is NOT just a matter of REBUILDING the GroupWise Domains ( Wpdomain.db) and Post Offices (Wphost.db) from ConsoleOne. That is NOT enough to fix the problem. We must stop the Admin message loop that is corrupting the Post office databases. During this TOP Down REBUILD process I will describe below you MUST also rename 3 GroupWise Domain subdirectories in the process ( NOT the domain directory itself), they are /WPCSIN/, /WPCSOUT/, and /MSLOCAL/.
NOTE: 3: Continued from NOTE 4: You must also rename during this process 2 Post Office subdirectories, they are /WPCSIN/ and /WPCSOUT/. NOT the POST Office directory itself.
NOTE: 4: You must make a note of the location on disk of the GroupWise Domains and Post Offices, so you can efficiently change to the different directories and efficiently rename the listed sub-directories and shut down and restart agents efficiently so not to pro-long the time agents are down, You must have a drive mapping from the perspective of the Linux ConsoleOne workstation(s) you will be using, do all Domains and Post Offices.
NOTE 5: You should check that there are NO Domain database file (wpdomain.db) in any the Post Office directories and NO Wphost.db in the Domain directories, this can cause odd admin behavior. Check make a quick check and your done with this item.
NOTE 6: Make sure NO ONE is making admin changes in ConsoleOne, while you do this procedure.
*** So let's get started : Instructions start HERE ***
Step 2 : As the "root" user, at a terminal , rename ALL /GroupWise Domain/wpcsin/, /wpcsout/, /mslocal/ subdirectories to another name like with a .OLD extension, in ALL GroupWise Domain directories
Step 3 : As the "root" user, at a terminal, rename ALL /GroupWise Post Office/wpcsin/, /wpcsout/, subdirectories to another name like with a .OLD extension, in ALL GroupWise Post Office directories
Step 4 : In ConsoleOne , be connected to the Primary Domain in the GroupWise view, and do TOOLS, GroupWise Utilities, System Maintenance , Rebuild Database.
Step 5 : Do the same procedure in STEP # 4 , but against ALL remaining GroupWise Domains.
Step 6: Rebuild each GroupWise Post Office database, being connected FIRST to the owning GroupWise Domain in the GroupWise view
Step 7: You are now ready to bring up the GroupWise system. AT a terminal prompt, as "root" do "rcgrpwise start" on all nodes.
Step 8: Test out to see if you now can duplicate the problem, by attempting to create a NEW uniquely named user in eDirectory and GroupWise as you have done before. Can you log into a GroupWise client after about 1 minute of sync time.