Novell PlateSpin Migrate 9 +
After installing the Migrate server IIS is configured to require SSL at the Default Web Site level (forcing all sites below the Default Web Site to require SSL). When attempting to use the Migrate client it fails to connect. Clicking on the Details button shows a 403: Forbidden error message.
There are 2 solutions to this issue.
Solution 1:
If using IIS 6 (Windows 2003):
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Expand Web Sites -> Default Web Site
3. Right-click on ofxweb and select Properties
4. Go to the Directory Security tab
5. Uncheck "Require SSL" and click OK
6. Restart the IIS server
7. Open the Migrate client
8. Once the client has successfully connected, close it
9. Check "Require SSL" in the ofxweb properties and click OK
10. Restart the IIS server
If using IIS 7 (Windows 2008):
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Expand %HOSTNAME% -> Sites -> Default Web Site
3. Click on ofxweb
4. While using the Features View double-click on SSL Settings
5. Uncheck "Require SSL" and click Apply
6. Restart the IIS server
7. Open the Migrate client
8. Once the client has successfully connected, close it
9. Check "Require SSL" for ofxweb and click Apply
10. Restart the IIS server
The client will now be able to connect properly with SSL use being forced.
Solution 2:
1. Remove the PlateSpin Migrate Server software
2. Configure the Default Web Site properties in IIS so that the TCP port and SSL port are both 443 (steps are below)
3. Install the PlateSpin Migrate Server software
To reconfigure the Default Web Site properties in IIS 6 (Windows 2003):
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Expand Web Sites
3. Right-click on Default Web Site and select Properties
4. Change the TCP port and SSL port to 443
5. Click Ok
6. Restart the IIS server
To reconfigure the Default Web Site using IIS 7 (Windows 2008):
1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
2. Expand %HOSTNAME% -> Sites
3. Click on Default Web Site
4. In the right-hand menu click Bindings
5. Select the http binding and click Edit
6. Change the port to 443 and click Ok
7. Click Add
8. Ensure the Type is https, the IP address is "All Unassigned" and the port is 443
9. Click Ok, then close
10. Restart the IIS server