Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1
If you have a workflow process which is set to automatically copy an entry to another folder upon entry to a workflow state, the transition never completes and may cause the browser to hang. When the background processing finishes and runs out of stack space, the process times out with the following error message displayed in the browser:
[An error occurred during this operation: javax.portlet.PortletException:+Error+occured+during+request+processing:+null]
A stack trace is eventually thrown in the catalina.out / stdout log files on the Vibe OnPrem server.
[An error occurred during this operation: javax.portlet.PortletException:+Error+occured+during+request+processing:+null]
A stack trace is eventually thrown in the catalina.out / stdout log files on the Vibe OnPrem server.
If you are unable to transition a workflow state due to the presence of an on-entry copy operation you may be affected by this bug. Please check and make sure that the associated workflow process has an on-entry copy operation defined in the target state.
A patch is available to correct this problem for Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1. Please contact Novell Technical Support with reference to this TID and Defect ID 707537 and request the patch for your Vibe OnPrem 3.1 site.
A patch is available to correct this problem for Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1. Please contact Novell Technical Support with reference to this TID and Defect ID 707537 and request the patch for your Vibe OnPrem 3.1 site.
Additional Information
Important compatibility note: This patch can only be applied to a Novell Vibe OnPrem 3.1 (Build 2354 / June 17, 2011) installation .