Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2
Gwia does not honor Exceptions for Rule-generated messages.
Reported to Engineering.
Additional Information
Steps to Duplicate:
Excepted result : Rule generated messages should not be send to the email address which added in exceptions.
- Launch ConsoleOne.
- Open properties of Gwia | Access Control, Click on edit Default Class of Service, go to tab SMTP Outgoing. Click on Allow replies, click on Exceptions, click on Create, add email address(abc@gmail.com) to which you want to prevent reply for rule generate mail.
- Lauch GroupWise client, go to tools | Rules | Click new, give name to a rule.
- Click on Received.
- From Item types, Select Mail.
- Then Click on Add Action and select reply.
- Send an email from user abc@gmail.com to a user who has created the reply rule. user(abc@gmail.com) receive a auto-reply.
Excepted result : Rule generated messages should not be send to the email address which added in exceptions.