Gwia does not honor Exceptions for Rule-generated messages

  • 7009030
  • 21-Jul-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Hot Patch 2


Gwia does not honor Exceptions for Rule-generated messages.


Reported to Engineering.

Additional Information

Steps to Duplicate:
  1. Launch ConsoleOne.
  2. Open properties of Gwia | Access Control, Click on edit Default Class of Service, go to tab SMTP Outgoing. Click on Allow replies, click on Exceptions, click on Create, add email address( to which you want to prevent reply for rule generate mail.
  3. Lauch GroupWise client, go to tools | Rules | Click new, give name to a rule.
  4. Click on Received.
  5. From Item types, Select Mail.
  6. Then Click on Add Action and select reply.
  7. Send an email from user to a user who has created the reply rule. user( receive a auto-reply.

Excepted result : Rule generated messages should not be send to the email address which added in exceptions.