Mail sent from some Devices to Internet users is garbled

  • 7009023
  • 20-Jul-2011
  • 10-Dec-2013


Novell GroupWise 8
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack


Mail sent from HP webOS using Mobility to Internet is garbled
Mail sent from HP webOS using Mobility to Internal GroupWise user is not garbled and looks good
Mail sent from HP webOS using Mobility is not garbled in sent items
Unable to read mails sent from HP webOS using Mobility to Internet by the Internet Recepients
HTML mail sent from Touch Down Client to Internet is garbled
HTML Mail sent from HP webOS or Trouch Down Client or Mango Device or LG Revolution using Mobility to Internet is garbled


This issue has been fixed in GroupWise 803HP1 or later. Please visit to download the latest GroupWise Support Pack