Novell Identity Manager Roles Based Provisioning Module 4.0.1
antlr.jar missing from RBPM 4.0.1 install on Websphere
The file is present in the media, however the install is not extracting it properly. On Linux the steps to retrieve the file are:
1. unjar IdmUserApp.jar(/$JAVA$/bin/jar -xvf IdmUserApp.jar)
2. cd Disk1/InstData/
3. unzip Resource1.zip
4. cd \$IA_PROJECT_DIR\$/
5. cd lib
6. unzip websphere-addons.zip
7. cd WEB-INF/lib
8. file antlr.jar will be present. copy it to your RBPM install directory
(/opt/novell/idm by default) and continue the setup.