Downloading Access Gateway service logs error: "There were logs that failed to download"

  • 7008976
  • 12-Jul-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Manager 3.1 Access Gateway Service on Windows
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Administration Console (Windows or Linux)


Access GAteway service configured and working fine. Administrator goes to Access Gateway Service 'logging' tab and enabled debug logging to trace the flow of a request through the Proxy. After doing so, Administrator goes to iManager, selects the "Auditing --> GeneralLogging" option and tries to download the "amlogging" log. The following error message is reported:

"There were logs that failed to download"


Workaround the issue by changing the filename to match the actual file that should be downloaded. The Path for "amlogging" log is displayed as " \ProgramFiles\Novell\amlogging\logs//var/log/novell", which does not point to a file. The path to this file can be changed from the UI and file can be downloaded from admin console.

Alternatively, connect to the Proxy server directly and copy down the file.

This is a known issue reported to engineering and will be fixed in 3.2.