Installing eDirectory 8.8 SP6 on Red Hat 6.0: Warning: This is not a supported platform

  • 7008949
  • 05-Jul-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell eDirectory 8.8 Support Pack 6 for Linux
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0


Although Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 is a supported platform for eDirectory 8.8 SP6 the following error is encounted during the installation,
" Warning: This is not a supported platform for eDirectory 8.8.6. Please refer  to NOVELL Documentation for information on supported platforms. Do you want to Continue  '[y/n/q] ? "


As Red Hat 6.0 testing and support came after eDirectory 8.8 SP6 was released this error is cosmetic.  It is safe to continue.