Application launched through ZCM bundle Icons do not get added to recently used applications

  • 7008907
  • 28-Jun-2011
  • 30-Apr-2012


Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows Vista


Applications launched through a ZCM bundle icon do not appear in windows recently used applications. 


Create a windows shortcut or application link to the application and have the ZCM bundle install it to the windows start menu.  When the end user launches the shortcut instead of the application icon, the application will be added to the recently used shown on the start menu in windows. 


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

Launching a application through a batch file or script acts similar.  The application is never added to recently used.
Steps to duplicate:
Create a bundle to launch a simple windows application such as c:\windows\notepad.exe.  The bundle icon will launch notepad but will not add notepad to recently used.