Novell GroupWise 8
Novell GroupWise Gateway - 7.x Gateway for MS Exchange
There is Exchange system connected with GroupWise system over the Exchange gateway (GWEX). All works fine, users are synchronized and can send mails to each other. However, if Exchange users using Outlook sends a mail to a GroupWise recipient, the recipient sees himself in a TO: field in User.PO.Domain format instead of First_Name Last_Name.
You will need to change following settings:
1. Start C1 and view properties of the GWEX gateway.
2. In GroupWise | Identification tab fill in the Gateway Alias Type "Exchange" - without apostrophes.
3 Start on Exchange server AD Users and computers tool and locate GroupWise container that is populated by all GroupWise contacts / users. Mark and delete all GroupWise contacts.
4. From a GUI of the GWEX go into Actions | Synchronize Directories. This will re-populate GroupWise users / Contacts back into AD. Shall you have troubles to do that, stop the GWEX and locate DS and DX directories of the GWEX on the server. There are two 0 bytes files in each of them. Delete them and start the GWEX again. This will force a full sync of accounts again.
After that, stop and restart Outlook client and login into any Exchange account. Send a mail to GroupWise recipient using GAL. You will see that such a "new" mail originated from Exchange does show GroupWise recipient in First Last format.