|product|OPEN_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_SP1 |2.0.1-0 | i686
|product|SUSE_SLES_SP2 |10.2-0 | i686
i |product|SUSE_SLES_SP2 |10.2-0 | i686
|product|OPEN_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_SP1 |2.0.1-0 | i686.
2. Type the command
zypper install --type=product OPEN_ENTERPRISE_SERVER_SP1
3. Type the following command to check the service list.
rczmd start
5. Remove the Suse Register information
rm /var/cache/SuseRegister/lastzmdconfig.cache
6. Run Suse Register to activate the server with the Novell Customer Center.
suse_register -a regcode-sles=<SLES ACTIVATION CODE> -a regcode-oes=<OES ACTIVATION CODE> -a email=<email@address.com>
* make sure that the correct email address is used.
There should be an entry for nu.novell.com
Sub's? | Name | Service
Yes | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1 | SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP1
Yes | Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 | Novell Open Enterprise Server 2
Yes | SLES10-SP1-Updates | https://nu.novell.com
| SLE10-SP1-Debuginfo-Updates | https://nu.novell.com
Yes | OES2-Updates | https://nu.novell.com