SAML 2.0 RequestedAuthnContext Comparison is always set to Exact no matter what setting is done

  • 7008863
  • 21-Jun-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Access Management 3.1
Novell Access Management 3.1 Support Pack 3 applied
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Linux Novell Identity Server


We are able to make the SAML2 reguest include RequestedAuthnContext but it sets the value to "exact" no matter how this is configured. This can be done on the SAML2 "Authentication Request" tab.
When set to Better, Minimum, Maximum and with classes and contracts it always results in the fact that it puts in Exact for the RequestedAuthnContext Comparison.
Setting this to minimal  is a requirement from 3th party IDP they have setup a trust relationship with as the Novell Access Manager Service Provider.


Reported to engineering
Will be fixed with SP3 IR2.

For now use this tid and provide a tid feedback to obtain the engineering build if you encounter the same issue.