How to get a log file when registering Sentinel Log Manager Appliance

  • 7008831
  • 16-Jun-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Sentinel Log Manager Appliance


To get a more useful information when attempting to register a Sentinel Log Manager Appliance it is recommended that you use the command line registration.

Create debug log file while registering appliance.


As root, use the following command line to attempt the SLM registration, this command includes debug level 3:

suse_register -d 3 -a email=<your email> -a regcode-slm=<your product registration code> -L /tmp/register.txt

If the registration was successful, then your appliance will have a new channel to get Sentinel Log Manager updates.  This can be seen by using the following commands:

zypper lu
suse_register -r

If the registration was not successful, then look at the /tmp/register.txt file for any errors or information as to the registration process.  If you open a Service Request with Technical Support, also provide the /tmp/register.txt file.