Error: 'The B-tree in the file system is full'

  • 7008823
  • 15-Jun-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell GroupWise 8 Support Pack 2 Hot Patch 2


Error 'The B-tree in the file system is full'
Sender receive bounce back message with the error 'The B-tree in the file system is full' while sending to problematic user.


  1. Launch Standalone GWCheck from GroupWise Software Directory/admin/utility/gwcheck directory.
  2. In Database Type, Select Post Office.
  3. In Database Path, enter post office directory path.
  4. In Post Office Name, enter post office as in ConsoleOne.
  5. In Object Type, Select User/Resource and user database name or user name.
  6. In Action, Select Select Analyze/Fix Databases  
  7. Select Structure, index and Fix problem.
  8. From Database tab Select User and Message, Once above task complete then run,
  9. Then Contents, Fix problems in Databases Select User and Message, Once this is complete then run,
  10. Structural Rebuild and Uncheck  Message from Database tab.
  11. Also Run Expire and Reduce to free up space on database.
Above steps also can be performed using ConsoleOne.