Novell iPrint for Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
The iprint_nss_relocate script fails with the following message:
iPrint LUM group exists.
iPrint LUM Group does not exist in container <container name>
iPrint LUM Group does not exist in container <container name>
Please specify iPrint LUM Group container with -c switch and rerun the script.
There are a couple of reason why this message can be seen.
A. namcd cache is populated with inaccurate information for the iprint user and iprintgrp group.
- Open a terminal as root.
- Restart and clear the namcd cache.
#namconfig cache_refresh
Note: Typing "id iprint" should no longer resolve anymore. - Re-run the iprint_nss_relocate script.
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a <admin FQN in LDAP format> -n /media/nss/<iPrint Volume> -c <container for the iPrint LUM user> -w <container for the current wwwrun user> -l cluster
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a cn=admin,o=novell -n /media/nss/IPRINTVOL -c ou=myiprinttest,o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -w o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -l cluster
B. The UNIX config object for current server already has an iprintgrp group associated to it that is different than the container specified with the -c switch.
- Login to iManager and remove the iprintgrp group association from the UNIX Workstation object.
a. Select Linux User Management-->Modify Unix Workstation Object-->Browse to the UNIX Workstation object for the server.
b. Under the groups tab remove the iprintgrp group association. - Open a terminal as root.
- Restart and clear the namcd cache.
#namconfig cache_refresh
Note: Typing "id iprint" should no longer resolve anymore. - Re-run the iprint_nss_relocate script.
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a <admin FQN in LDAP format> -n /media/nss/<iPrint Volume> -c <conainter for the iPrint LUM user> -w <container for the current wwwrun user> -l cluster
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a cn=admin,o=novell -n /media/nss/IPRINTVOL -c ou=myiprinttest,o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -w o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -l cluster