Novell iPrint for Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
When loading the Print Manager (rcnovell-ipsmd start), the following error is seen in the /var/opt/novell/log/iprint/ipsmd.log:
Jun 7 14:58:08 <Server Name> ipsmd[29924]: _DBOpen: open() for file
'/var/opt/novell/iprint/<Print Manager Name>.psm/psmdb.dat'
failed with errno = 13
'/var/opt/novell/iprint/<Print Manager Name>.psm/psmdb.dat'
failed with errno = 13
Either Option A or Option B will resolve the error.
Option A does not delete the existing LUM iPrint user and group. This option may be preferred if multiple iPrint cluster resources exist in the tree and there is a potential that the existing LUM iPrint user and group are being used by another iPrint cluster configuration.
Option B deletes the existing the LUM iPrint user and group. This option cleans up the existing LUM iPrint user and group, assuming that it is known that the user/group combination is not being used by another iPrint cluster configuration.
Option A (create new LUM iPrint user and group objects and leave the existing objects in the tree)
- Login to iManager and remove the iprintgrp group association from the UNIX Workstation object.
a. Select Linux User Management-->Modify Unix Workstation Object-->Browse to the UNIX Workstation object for the server.
b. Under the groups tab remove the iprintgrp group association. - Open a terminal as root
- Restart and clear the namcd cache.
#namconfig cache_refresh
Note: Typing "id iprint" should no longer resolve anymore. - Re-run the iprint_nss_relocate script.
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a <admin FQN in LDAP format> -n /media/nss/<iPrint Volume> -c <conainter for the new iPrint LUM user> -w <container for the current wwwrun user> -l cluster
Note: Make sure to specify a container that does not currently have an iprint user or iprintgrp group currently existing.
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a cn=admin,o=novell -n /media/nss/IPRINTVOL -c ou=myiprinttest,o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -w o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -l cluster
Option B (delete the existing LUM iPrint user and group and create new objects)
- Open up a terminal as root.
- Identify the the FQN of the iprint user being used on this server.
#namuserlist -f iprint
Example results:
iprint:x:603:604:Novell iPrint LUM User:/home/iprint:/sbin/nologin:cn=iprint,o=novell
Note: FQN shown in bold above. - Identify the FQN of the iprintgrp group being used on this server.
#/opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 636 -D <admin FQN in LDAP Format> -W -e /etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.der -b <FQN of iprint user found in step #2> | |grep 'groupMembership: cn=iprintgrp'
Note: When running the command above, the cursor will be sitting on a blank line. At this time, enter your admin password and press the enter key.
Example Command:
/opt/novell/eDirectory/bin/ldapsearch -h localhost -p 636 -D CN=admin,O=novell -W -e /etc/opt/novell/certs/SSCert.der -b cn=iprint,o=novell |grep 'groupMembership: cn=iprintgrp'
Example Results:
groupMembership: cn=iprintgrp,o=novell - Delete the iprint user and iprintgrp from eDirectory specified in step #2 and #3.
Note: If there are other iPrint cluster resources in the tree, they may or may not be using the same iprint user and iprntgrp group. Before deleting the user and group, use step #2 and step #3 on the other iPrint resources to verify that they are not using the same iprint user and iprintgrp group. - Restart and clear the namcd cache.
#namconfig cache_refresh
Note: Typing "id iprint" should no longer resolve anymore. - Re-run the iprint_nss_relocate script.
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a <admin FQN in LDAP format> -n /media/nss/<iPrint Volume> -c <container for the new iPrint LUM user> -w <container for the current wwwrun user> -l cluster
#/opt/novell/iprint/bin/iprint_nss_relocate -a cn=admin,o=novell -n /media/nss/IPRINTVOL -c ou=myiprinttest,o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -w o=novell,t=iPrint-tree -l cluster - Restart the Print Manager
#rcnovell-ipsmd restart