Novell GroupWise 8
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft XP
Microsoft Internet Explorer - All Versions
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft XP
Microsoft Internet Explorer - All Versions
- Notify is running.
- Internet Explorer is running in foreground or right behind Notify.
- New email comes in, and user clicks the open or read button.
- When the new email is opened, the GroupWise icon flashes on the Windows Taskbar, but no email appears.
- Minimizing Internet reveals the email hiding in the background.
- Works fine with other browsers.
Research indicates that this is not a problem with GroupWise but a very well known problem with Internet Explorer and it's configuration on Windows. Many users have used a program called TweakUI to fix this issue on Windows XP, however, TweakUI is not compatible with Windows 7. When the answer wasn't to use TweakUI, the answer was to not use Internet Explorer. In some cases, changing the default browser to something else, caused Internet Explorer to back off a little bit and allow other programs to take focus more often. It appears, that other Internet browsers such as FireFox, Chrome, or Opera, don't have that problem or even less then Internet Explorer. Though it is not seen as a GroupWise issue, Development has been asked to research into it and see if there's a way to edit the registry to manually change the setting, it is not known when or if we will have a answer for this.