Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management Database (ZCM)
Embedded Sybase Database
Embedded Sybase Database
When attempting to connect to an embedded Sybase database using dbisql the following error is displayed:
Could not connect to the database.
Database server not found
Ensure that the name in the "Server name" field is spelled correctly and that the database server has been started.
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found
Error code=-100
SQL state=08001
Using Tools > Test Connection shows:
Connection failed.
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found
Attempting to connect to a running server...
Trying to start SharedMemory link ...
SharedMemory link started successfully
Attempting SharedMemory connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)
Failed to connect over SharedMemory
Trying to start TCPIP link ...
TCP using Winsock version 2.2
My IP address is ...
TCPIP link started successfully
Attempting TCPIP connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)
Looking for server with name ...
Server not found (no reply received)
Failed to connect over TCPIP
Not attempting to autostart server
Cannot connect to server
Could not connect to the database.
Database server not found
Ensure that the name in the "Server name" field is spelled correctly and that the database server has been started.
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found
Error code=-100
SQL state=08001
Using Tools > Test Connection shows:
Connection failed.
[Sybase][ODBC Driver][SQL Anywhere]Database server not found
Attempting to connect to a running server...
Trying to start SharedMemory link ...
SharedMemory link started successfully
Attempting SharedMemory connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)
Failed to connect over SharedMemory
Trying to start TCPIP link ...
TCP using Winsock version 2.2
My IP address is ...
TCPIP link started successfully
Attempting TCPIP connection (no sasrv.ini cached address)
Looking for server with name ...
Server not found (no reply received)
Failed to connect over TCPIP
Not attempting to autostart server
Cannot connect to server
Complete the dbisql 'Connect' screen as follows:
Identification > User ID & Password:
Find the Sybase database credentials by running: zman dgc
Database > Server name:
Advanced > Enter connection parameters:
An alternative method is featured in TID 7007891
This method will allow a dbisql connection from the Primary server hosting the database, but not from a non-database Primary.
Identification > User ID & Password:
Find the Sybase database credentials by running: zman dgc
Database > Server name:
Advanced > Enter connection parameters:
An alternative method is featured in TID 7007891
This method will allow a dbisql connection from the Primary server hosting the database, but not from a non-database Primary.
Additional Information
dbisql is found is the following locations:
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/sybase/bin32s/dbisql
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\ASA\win32\dbisql.exe
If the verify=no parameter is omitted this message is seen whilst running Tools > Test Connection:
Found server, verifying server name
Verification of server name failed
For a resolution to this for previous versions of ZCM please see TID 7000764
Linux: /opt/novell/zenworks/share/sybase/bin32s/dbisql
Windows: %ZENWORKS_HOME%\share\ASA\win32\dbisql.exe
If the verify=no parameter is omitted this message is seen whilst running Tools > Test Connection:
Found server, verifying server name
Verification of server name failed
For a resolution to this for previous versions of ZCM please see TID 7000764