Novell Access Manager 3.1 Linux Novell Identity Server
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Windows Novell Identity Server
Novell Access Manager 3.1 Windows Novell Identity Server
The document at http://www.novell.com/communities/node/11195/integrating-salesforcecom-and-novell-access-manager-using-saml2describes how to integrate Salesforce with Novell's Identity Server using the SAML2 protocol.
This cool solution will show you how to add salesforce.com to your NAM implementation using a federated authentication via SAML 2.0. By using SAML 2.0, your users authenticate to NAM as they typically do using their existing LDAP credentials provided by your corporate directory. salesforce.com then authenticates users via SAML without the need to synchronize passwords with salesforce.com. Once configured, your users will have SSO access to all your web resources protected by NAM through either the Access Gateway or using federation protocols. Unfortunately, salesforce.com does not support federated provisioning, so you will still need create users in salesforce.com. If you would like to automatically provision, deprovision, and manage the salesforce.com identities, you can use Novell Identity Manager, but that is out of scope for this article.
This cool solution will show you how to add salesforce.com to your NAM implementation using a federated authentication via SAML 2.0. By using SAML 2.0, your users authenticate to NAM as they typically do using their existing LDAP credentials provided by your corporate directory. salesforce.com then authenticates users via SAML without the need to synchronize passwords with salesforce.com. Once configured, your users will have SSO access to all your web resources protected by NAM through either the Access Gateway or using federation protocols. Unfortunately, salesforce.com does not support federated provisioning, so you will still need create users in salesforce.com. If you would like to automatically provision, deprovision, and manage the salesforce.com identities, you can use Novell Identity Manager, but that is out of scope for this article.