Copying a file to the users home directory will remove the users trustee assignment.

  • 7008719
  • 07-Jun-2011
  • 27-Apr-2012


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
May 2011 Scheduled Maintenance for OES2 SP3


After updating to the May 2011 Maintenance Release they have a few users that run into this problem.  When they copy a file to the root of their home directory then the
user will have lost their trustee assignment to their home directory.
Version of NCP RPMs do match what was released in the May 2011 Scheduled Maintenance for OES2 SP3
The problem is that "ncpcon version" is showing a 2011-4-28 date and not the 2011-05-10 date that it should for the May 2011 Scheduled Maintenance for OES2 SP3.
server:~ # ncpcon version
... Executing " version"
NCP Server Components
[libncpengine] 2011-04-28_19:02:57_amdbuild9-.2993
[ncp2nss] 2011-04-28_18:35:24_amdbuild6-.1677
[libnrm2ncp] 2011-04-28_18:44:51_amdbuild11-.1677
[ncpcon] 2011-04-28_18:35:17_amdbuild6-.1677
[ncpshell] 2011-04-28_18:35:39_amdbuild6-.1677
[ncptop] 2011-04-28_18:35:34_amdbuild6-.1677


Force the NCP rpms to be reinstalled.
  rpm -Uvh --force

Then either reboot the server or restart ndsd and ncp2nss.
  rcndsd restart
  /etc/init.d/ncp2nss restart

Verify that the correct May 10 version is running with "ncpcon version"
server:~ # ncpcon version
... Executing " version"
NCP Server Components
[libncpengine]  2011-05-10_21:37:03_amdbuild2-.2993
[ncp2nss]       2011-05-10_20:04:48_amdbuild1-.1677
[libnrm2ncp]    2011-05-10_20:10:42_amdbuild9-.1677
[ncpcon]        2011-05-10_20:04:41_amdbuild1-.1677
[ncpshell]      2011-05-10_20:05:04_amdbuild1-.1677
[ncptop]        2011-05-10_20:04:59_amdbuild1-.1677

If this problem persists then there is a fix for this if there is a DST shadow volume.  Please contact Novell Technical Support and request fix from bug 698345.