Novell Data Synchronizer 1.1
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.1
Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack 1.1
Novell Data Synchronizer Connector for Mobility
- Devices are not staying sync'd up in a timely manner.
- Devices take a while before they sync up to new items for user in the PostOffice.
- Emails deleted from device are not being deleted on PostOffice, and vice versa.
- Errors about attachments still downloading, in the default.pipeline1.<mobility_connector_name>-AppInterface.log.
- Various attachment errors in the default.pipeline1.<mobility_connector_name>-AppInterface.log.
- Removing devices from Mobility and re-adding them, only helps syncing for a day or two.
- Reinitialize does resolve sync issues.
Please contact Novell Technical Support, or upgrade to the latest Data Synchronizer Mobility, which is build 428 or 1.1.2 ,at the time that this TID was written. Data Synchronizer and the POSTGRESQL database will have to be restarted after the new code is applied.