Novell GroupWise 8
Novell Data Synchronizer Mobility Pack
Mails and appointment for one user reach after a very long time to the device
One user not receiving mails and appointments in a timely manner
Mails and Appointment trickling down after a very long time for one user
Other users receive mails and appointments in a timely manner
- Delete the user from GroupWise Connector and Mobility Connector. If the user was added using a Group, delete the user from the eDirectory Group.
- Once the user has been deleted, run a gwcheck with Contents/Fix Problems on the user account.
Please click on the following link for information on running GWCHECK on the user's account
https://www.novell.com/documentation/gw8/gw8_admin/?page=/documentation/gw8/gw8_admin/data/a3n60l6.html - Once the above check is complete, run a GWCHECK with DELDUPFOLDERS Misc option on the user account.
Please click on the following link for information on running GWCHECK with DELDUPFOLDERS on the user's account
https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7003243&sliceId=1&docTypeID=DT_TID_1_1&dialogID=235274352&stateId=0 0 235272478 0 235272478 - Login as the user account and make sure that the folder structure is proper and all the System Folders are in the root and not buried under some other folder (Mailbox, Sent Items, Contacts Folder, Documents, Calendar, Tasklist, Cabinet, Work In Progress, Junk Mail, Trash ). If they are under any other folder, move it back to the Root Folder.
- Make sure that there are no duplicate folders like "Sent Items" Find folder and an actual Sent Items folder. If there are folders with the same name on the root, rename the non-system folder to any other name.
- Add the user to GroupWise and Mobility Connectors on the Mobility Server. If the user needs to be added using a Group, add the user to the eDirectory Group.
- Wait for the Initial sync to complete. Initial Sync is complete, when the Mobility Monitoring page at https://IPAddress:8120 | mobility | Monitor shows synced under the sync state.