Monitoring error "Legacy Network Adapter may not be attached to the computer"

  • 7008608
  • 18-May-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


PlateSpin Recon 3.7.x


This article discusses a monitoring error in Recon which may occur if system being monitored is a VM hosted on Windows 2008 Hyper-V server and does not have specific network counters enabled.  The error listed below will appear in the monitoring logs for the server in question.
"Cannot get instance information for counter Bytes Received/sec in category Hyper-V Legacy Network Adapter on computer.  Legacy Network Adapter may not be attached to the computer. Reason: Category does not exist."
This error does not affect other performance counters being monitored which means that Recon will still continue to collect other data.


PlateSpin Recon gathers performance metrics from Windows based systems remotely using performance monitoring counters.  Some specific counters depend on specifc components based on type of machine being monitored. While monitoring a Windows VM hosted on a Windows 2008 Hyper-V server, the legacy network adapter is required.
To configure a legacy network adapter follow the steps below:
1) Right-click on the VM in Hyper-V.
2) Select Settings.
3) In the settings window configure a Legacy Network Adapter.