Novell Access Manager 3.1 SP3 IR1 Access Administration
Creating a backup of the Administration Console configuration using the "/opt/novell/devman/bin/ambkup.sh" script.
The backup process fail with the following error:
AM#201001002: Failed data encryption of backed up data.
Creating a backup of the Administration Console configuration using the "/opt/novell/devman/bin/ambkup.sh" script.
The backup process fail with the following error:
AM#201001002: Failed data encryption of backed up data.
Increase the amount of available RAM for the server, or virtual
machine, where the Administration Console is running, so to match
the minimal requirements of 4 Gb reported in the
Additional Information
Here is the complete script output captured from a test
server where the issue was reproduced:
N o v e l l A c c e s s M a n a g e r
C o n f i g u r a t i o n B a c k u p U t i l i t y
Enter the Access Manager Administration password []:
Re-enter the password for verification []:
Enter the path where backup files should be stored [/root/nambkup]:
--- Enter a password for encrypting/decrypting the data
--- NOTE: You must use the same password for both backup and restore.
--- Private key encryption password []:
--- Re-enter the password for verification []:
Backing up configuration...
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
AM#201001002: Failed data encryption of backed up data.
FAILED to backup. Please verify
IP Address:
LDAP Port: 636
Administrator id: cn=admin,o=novell
Administrator Password: ***
Backup path: /root/nambkup
Backup file: CZLABNAM1_20110516_1211
eDirectory Server: CZLABNAM1.o=novell
eDirectory Tree: CZLABNAM1_tree
Certificate Encryption Phrase: ***
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
Log file for this backup is /var/log/nidp_backup_20110516_1211.log
Going to check the mentioned log file"/var/log/nidp_backup_20110516_1211.log" here is what we find out:
C o n f i g u r a t i o n B a c k u p U t i l i t y
- - - - - - - - - - - Performing back up - - - - - - - - - - -
Mon May 16 12:11:37 CEST 2011
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We are not in DHost. pid = -1215977216
Novell Import Convert Export utility for Novell eDirectory
version: 20601.21
Copyright 2000-2005 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 6,915,287.
Source Handler: ICE LDAP handler for Novell eDirectory (version: 20601.21 )
Destination Handler: ICE LDIF handler for Novell eDirectory (version: 20601.21 )
Start time: Mon May 16 12:11:39 2011
Press control-C to exit
Operation in progress ...
. . . . .
Total entries processed: 553
Total entries failed: 0
End time: Mon May 16 12:11:40 2011
Total Time: 0:00:01.735
Time per entry: 00:00.003
Options Used:
-SLDAP -L ca.der -s192.168.21.110 -p636 -dcn=admin,o=novell -F bjectclass=* -c ub -b u=accessManagerContainer,o=novell -DLDIF -f/root/nambkup/CZLABNAM1_20110516_1211_pre
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
AM#201001002: Failed data encryption of backed up data.
FAILED to backup. Please verify
IP Address:
LDAP Port: 636
Administrator id: cn=admin,o=novell
Administrator Password: ***
Backup path: /root/nambkup
Backup file: CZLABNAM1_20110516_1211
eDirectory Server: CZLABNAM1.o=novell
eDirectory Tree: CZLABNAM1_tree
Certificate Encryption Phrase: ***
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
This behavior has been seen on servers running less than 2 Gb of RAM.
N o v e l l A c c e s s M a n a g e r
C o n f i g u r a t i o n B a c k u p U t i l i t y
Enter the Access Manager Administration password []:
Re-enter the password for verification []:
Enter the path where backup files should be stored [/root/nambkup]:
--- Enter a password for encrypting/decrypting the data
--- NOTE: You must use the same password for both backup and restore.
--- Private key encryption password []:
--- Re-enter the password for verification []:
Backing up configuration...
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
AM#201001002: Failed data encryption of backed up data.
FAILED to backup. Please verify
IP Address:
LDAP Port: 636
Administrator id: cn=admin,o=novell
Administrator Password: ***
Backup path: /root/nambkup
Backup file: CZLABNAM1_20110516_1211
eDirectory Server: CZLABNAM1.o=novell
eDirectory Tree: CZLABNAM1_tree
Certificate Encryption Phrase: ***
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
Log file for this backup is /var/log/nidp_backup_20110516_1211.log
Going to check the mentioned log file"/var/log/nidp_backup_20110516_1211.log" here is what we find out:
C o n f i g u r a t i o n B a c k u p U t i l i t y
- - - - - - - - - - - Performing back up - - - - - - - - - - -
Mon May 16 12:11:37 CEST 2011
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
We are not in DHost. pid = -1215977216
Novell Import Convert Export utility for Novell eDirectory
version: 20601.21
Copyright 2000-2005 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved. U.S. Patent No. 6,915,287.
Source Handler: ICE LDAP handler for Novell eDirectory (version: 20601.21 )
Destination Handler: ICE LDIF handler for Novell eDirectory (version: 20601.21 )
Start time: Mon May 16 12:11:39 2011
Press control-C to exit
Operation in progress ...
. . . . .
Total entries processed: 553
Total entries failed: 0
End time: Mon May 16 12:11:40 2011
Total Time: 0:00:01.735
Time per entry: 00:00.003
Options Used:
-SLDAP -L ca.der -s192.168.21.110 -p636 -dcn=admin,o=novell -F bjectclass=* -c ub -b u=accessManagerContainer,o=novell -DLDIF -f/root/nambkup/CZLABNAM1_20110516_1211_pre
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
Could not create the Java virtual machine.
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
AM#201001002: Failed data encryption of backed up data.
FAILED to backup. Please verify
IP Address:
LDAP Port: 636
Administrator id: cn=admin,o=novell
Administrator Password: ***
Backup path: /root/nambkup
Backup file: CZLABNAM1_20110516_1211
eDirectory Server: CZLABNAM1.o=novell
eDirectory Tree: CZLABNAM1_tree
Certificate Encryption Phrase: ***
**** Error *************** Error *************** Error ****
This behavior has been seen on servers running less than 2 Gb of RAM.