Novell GroupWise 6.5
Novell GroupWise 7
Novell NetWare 6.5
TSAFSGW, the latest version of the GroupWise Target Service
Agent, operates much the same as the existing GroupWise TSA
(GWTSA). It supports the same home switch command line syntax
as the GWTSA and provides the same high-level GroupWise objects
(domains and post offices) to 3rd party backup software.
It differs in that it is not a stand-alone tsa like the GWTSA,
but instead works through (and is therefore dependent on) the
Groupwise-enabled file system tsa (tsafs) to back up and
restore GroupWise data.
Obtaining and Installing SMS components (including
The GroupWise-enabled TSAFS is available as part of the
novell-sms package on the Novell Open Enterprise Server Linux
platform. The novell-sms package will also be available as a
stand-alone rpm for installation on other Linux platforms.
To install the sms rpm, log in as root and type the following
at the console:
rpm -ivh novell-sms-1.0.0-xx.i586.rpm
Then start the smdr daemon:
/etc/init.d/smdrd start
Verify that the smdrd daemon is running:
/opt/novell/sms/bin/smsconfig -t
The GroupWise-enabled TSAFS NLM ships with current versions of
NetWare and it's service packs. SMS updates (which include
the GroupWise-enabled TSAFS) can occur between NetWare service
packs. These updates can be downloaded from the Novell
Support website. Search for 'tsa5up??.exe' (include the
question mark wildcard characters).
Enabling TSAFS GroupWise enhancements
The GroupWise enhancements build into the TSAFS must be
enabled manually by way of the EnableGW command line switch.
EnableGW (NetWare)
To enable the GroupWise enhancements, type the following at
the command line:
Module TSAFS.NLM unloaded
To disable the GroupWise enhancements, type the following at
the command line:
Module TSAFS.NLM unloaded
Once enabled, the GroupWise functionality will remain enabled
until explicitly disabled. To determine the state of the of
the EnableGW switch, simply type 'TSAFS' at the command line while
the TSAFS is loaded. Hit any key to scroll down until the
EnableGW status appears on the screen.
See the Tid10095203 for more information on the
GroupWise-enabled TSAFS.
EnableGW (Linux)
open a terminal window and log in as root.
cd /opt/novell/sms/bin
Unload the TSAFS by typing
./smsconfig -u TSAFS
Reload the TSAFS with the --EnableGW switch by typing the
./smsconfig -l TSAFS --EnableGW
In order to make this change permanent, edit the
/etc/opt/novell/sms/smdrd.conf file. In the smdrd.conf file,
modify TSAFS autoload line:
change autoload:TSAFS
autoload:TSAFS --EnableGW
Loading TSAFSGW on NetWare
Follow the same steps for loading the TSAFSGW on NetWare as
you would for loading the GWTSA. The GWTSA and TSAFSGW may
not load simultaneously.
Loading TSAFSGW on Linux
If not already present, copy the libtsafsgw.so.<version>
file into the /opt/novell/lib directory. If already present,
create a symbolic link to the libtsafsgw.so.<version>
While logged in as root, execute the following:
cd /opt/novell/lib
in -s libtsafs.so.<ver> libtsafsgw.so
You should now be able to load the TSAFSGW.
As root, execute the following:
cd /opt/novell/sms/bin
smsconfig -l TSAFSGW -home /yourDomainPath -home
/yourPostOffice Path
You can also use smsconfig to display a list of loaded
As root, execute the following:
/opt/novell/sms/bin/smsconfig -t
smsconfig will output a list of loaded TSAs:
The loaded TSAs are:
TSAFS --EnableGW
TSAFSGW - home/yourDomainPath -home /yourPostOfficePath
If you would like the TSAFSGW to load automatically, add an
'autoload' line to the smdrd.conf file. Edit
/etc/opt/novell/sms/smdrd.conf and find the TSAFS autoload
autoload:TSAFS --EnableGW
add the TSAFSGW autoload line after the TSAFS autload
autoload:TSAFSGW -home /yourDomainPath -home
GroupWise Database Caching
The TSAFSGW makes a temporary copy of the GroupWise database
on disk during the backup process. This minimizes the time
that the backup process locks the live GroupWise databases so that
the GroupWise agents will continue to run smoothly during backup.
The default location for the temporary files on NetWare is in
the SYS:SYSTEM\TSA\TEMP directory. The default location for
the temporary files on Linux is in the /tmp directory. The
user may specify an alternate location via the \u201ctempdir\u201d
command line switch. The syntax of the 'tempdir' switch is
the same as that of the 'home' switch.
Known issues:
1. The 'home' and 'tempdir' switches are the only
command line switches are the only command line switches supported
by the current version of the TSAFSGW. Since the TSAFSGW
works through the TSAFS, backup performance is tuned by adjusting
the TSAFS command line switches.
2. The current version of the TSAFSGW does not
automatically exclude unnecessary files. See TID10095203 for a list of files that may
be manually excluded in order to prevent spurious error messages
during backup.
3. The current version of the TSAFSGW does not
automatically list document storage areas. In a default
GroupWise installation this is not an issue because they are placed
in the post office directory and are backed up as part of the post
office. Where document storage areas are outside of the post
office directory, manually add a /home switch to the TSAFSGW
command line parameters.
4. In it's default configuration, the TSAFS caches
multiple files simultaneously to increase backup performance.
This can have a detrimental effect on the GroupWise agents,
since the TSAFS can retain database locks long enough for the
GroupWise agents to time out. The TSAFSGW automatically
disables the TSAFS' caching mode for all TSAFSGW backups.
There is no longer a need to add the /NoCachingMode switch to
the TSAFS startup parameters.
5. A full backup of the top level object \u201cGroupWise
System\u201d will backup all 'home' switch directories, including
[TMP] directories.
6. On NetWare, the OES version of the TSAFS is required
to restore. Otherwise, files in the root directory of the
backup are restored to the wrong place.
7. The user logged in to the TSAFSGW must have Write
permissions to the database files. Otherwise, the database
lock operation will time out, and the databases will be skipped
with an 0xFFFDFFF5 (NWSMTS_DATA_SET_IN_USE) error.