Error starting TCP/IP agent [0xAE01] - DDC: Operation not supported

  • 7008534
  • 06-May-2011
  • 13-Jun-2013


Novell Messenger (Novell GroupWise Messenger)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Servers
Microsoft Windows Servers


  • Messaging Agent not starting up.
  • Following error is seen in the Messaging agent log file: "Error starting TCP/IP agent [0xAE01] - DDC: Operation not supported".
  • 64 bit eDirectory may be installed on local machine.
  • eDirectory may not be installed on local machine.
  • Optional Messaging Agent start up switches are being used.


1)  If eDirectory is not installed on Server running the Messaging Agent, then install it.
2)  If 64 bit eDirectory is installed on Server running the Messaging Agent, then the following 32bit library needs to be installed:  The 32 bit version of that library is required for the Messaging Agent to be able to use certain switches.

Additional Information

The error: "0xAE01 - DDC: Operation not supported" happens when the dclient libraries cannot be loaded.  This can be caused primarily by one of two situation, though other situations may occur:
  1. eDirectory is not installed on the server running the Messaging Agent.
  2. eDirectoy is installed as a 64 bit application.
One of these situations may occur when particular start up switches such as the --direuserforcedirect switch.  Some other switches may cause this situation.

Novell Messenger does not ship the library, Messenger just loads what is installed in eDirectory.