How to manually install a controller for source workload

  • 7008520
  • 04-May-2011
  • 26-Jan-2017


PlateSpin Migrate 9 +
PlateSpin Protect 10 +
PlateSpin Forge 3 +


This article discusses how to manually install the PlateSpin Operations Framework Controller.  This is generally practical when jobs are failing during the "Installing controller on source server" step.
Note: This Tool requires .Net Framework 2.0 to be installed on the source server.


Clean up the source server before proceeding with the manual controller installation:
  1. Open a Command Prompt on the Source Server and navigate to "C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Migrate Server\Controller\" .
  2. Run the following command:

    ofxcontroller /uninstall
  3. Delete following directories on source server:

    C:\Program Files\Platespin <Protect or Migrate> Server

Steps to manually install the controller:

  1. Obtain the manual controller installer from the PlateSpin Support.
  2. Extract the file on the source server.
  3. Open command prompt and navigate to the extracted folder.
  4. Execute the following command:

    ofxtool.installcontroller.exe /host=<PS server> /ofx=ofxweb /user=<PS account> /password=<PS account password>
For Example:
ofxtool.installcontroller.exe /host=HostMachine /ofx=ofxweb /user=Domain\Administrator /password=Password