Loopback Driver does not start properly

  • 7008510
  • 03-May-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell Identity Manager 4.0
Novell Role Based Provisioning Module 4.0
Novell iManager 2.7.4


Loopback driver used for User Application workflow does not work properly

Message: Code(-9194) Error in vnd.nds.stream://CD/system/idm/cd-driverset-01/loopback/Subscriber/sub-etp-StartWorkflows#XmlData:154 : Couldn't start workflow 'CN=wkf-merge,CN=RequestDefs,CN=AppConfig,CN=user-application,CN=cd-driverset-02,OU=idm,O=system' for recipient 'CN=UA_Admin,OU=users,O=system': java.lang.RuntimeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


User Application driver and Role and Resource Service driver are placed in driverset-02 whereas loopback driver is placed in driverset-01. Because of mismatch configurations due to different driver set, loopback driver did not work properly and is not able to get the certificate path from User Application server. The certificate path [Keystore Path] is specified in the location /jre/lib/security/cacerts and can be checked in configupdate on the server.

Move loopback driver from driverset-01 to driverset-02 and restart the driver.

Additional Information

Update the expired eDirectory certificates in eDirectory and in User Application:
  1. Stop Jboss:  " ./stop-jboss.sh "
  2. Stop Tomcat:  "rcnovell-tomcat5 stop "
  3. Upgrade the expired eDirectory certs: " ndsconfig upgrade "
  4. Stop NDSD:  "rcndsd stop "
  5. Start NDSD:  "rcndsd start"
  6. Start Tomcat:  "rcnovell-tomcat5 start"
  7. Open configupdate.sh and browse the tree, click OK and wait for configupdate to close
  8. Start Jboss:   "./start-jboss.sh | tee some_text_file_name.txt"  (replace some_text_file_name.txt  with a meaningful txt file name). This will pipe the complete server start-up process to a text file under the root of  User Application installation.