iManager Plugin Installation Hangs

  • 7008497
  • 01-May-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iManager 2.7
Novell iManager 2.7.3
Novell iManager 2.7.4


While installing iManager plug-ins, sometimes either the installation hangs or the plug-ins are not properly installed.


For iManager Standalone:
1. Log out from iManager.

2. Clear the browser’s cache.

        For Internet Explorer, do the following:

        a. Click Tools > Internet Options. The Internet Options dialog box is displayed.

        b. Under the General tab, under Browsing history, click Delete.

        For Mozilla, do the following:

        a. Click Tools > Clear Private Data-The Clear Private Data dialog box is displayed.

        b. Select Cache and click Clear Private Data Now.

 3. Log in to iManager.

 4.  Re-install the plug-ins.

For iManager workstation:

 a. For Windows:

 1. Exit iManager.

 2. Browse for C:\Users\<username>\AppData\<Profile>\Mozilla\eclipse\Cache (the path varies depending on the configuration and OS).

 3. Delete all the data from the Cache directory.

 4. Restart iManager.

 b. For Linux:

 1. Exit iManager.

 2. Browse for one of the following:

     a. /root/.mozilla/eclipse/Cache (for root user)

     b. /$HOME/.mozilla/eclipse/Cache (for non root user)

 3. Delete all the data from the Cache directory.

 4. Restart iManager.