novell-named cannot access eDirectory and reports error "NWCallsInit failed with error code:-1" on startup

  • 7008478
  • 28-Apr-2011
  • 16-Mar-2020


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
Novell DNS
Novell NetStorage


April 2011 Scheduled Maintenance for OES SP3 had been installed while running McAfee anti-virus software
After the installation of the April 2011 Scheduled Maintenance, novell-named started, but could not access eDirectory anymore and logged the error "NWCallsInit failed with error code:-1" just upon startup in /var/opt/novell/log/named/


Please examine the following solutions.  Both have been known to resolve the issue depending on where there issue actually lies.  Start with solution A, and if that doesn't work; move on to solution B.

Solution A:

Reset the ulimit to a 'non-unlimited' value.

# ulimit -u <value>

Then restart named

Solution B:
1) Stop McAfee anti virus software:
# rcnailsd stop
# /etc/init.d/cma stop
2) Stop novell-named:
# rcnovell-named stop
3) Stop novell-xregd:
# rcnovell-xregd stop
4) Make a backup of all files in /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db
# tar -cjvf /tmp/ /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/*
5) Remove all files from /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db:
# rm -rf /opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/*
6) Restore the registry:
# /opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml
7) Check if the registry has been rebuilt:
# ls -l /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db
the files should be present again
8) Start novell-xregd:
# rcnovell-xregd start
9) Start novell-named:
# rcnovell-named start
10) Start the AV-software again
# /etc/init.d/cma start
# rcnailsd start