Novell Open Workgroup Suite Small Business Edition (NOWS SBE) 2.5
When trying to install iManager through the Simplified User Interface (WebUI), it fails. If you look at the /var/log/simba/server.log file you can see an error about a java license not being accepted.
From a console prompt, type the following:
zypper in java-1_4_2-sun
When is asks you to accept the license, make sure that you do.
Restart the iManager installation through the WebUI.
zypper in java-1_4_2-sun
When is asks you to accept the license, make sure that you do.
Restart the iManager installation through the WebUI.
Additional Information
The problem is that with the newer versions of java-1_4_2-sun they require a response during installation. The default installation scripts do not account for this.