Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management ZENworks Control Center - ZCC
Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management ZENworks Control Center - ZCC
Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management ZENworks Control Center - ZCC
The wizard for editing an agent deployment package, during step two, allows the addition or removal of the server name and IP address of the primary server. If the IP address is removed and a package is created, the build process resolves the name of the server and puts the IP address back into the installation package. The addition of the IP address can seen in the %ZENWORKS_HOME%\conf\initial-web-service file after the new agent package is installed. The expected behavior would be for the IP address to not be put back in, leaving just the DNS entry of the server in the deployment package.
This is fixed in version 11.2 - see KB 7010044 "ZENworks
Configuration Management 11.2 - update information and list of fixes"
which can be found at https://www.novell.com/support