Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux
When connected to the GroupWise primary domain in the GroupWise view and new GroupWise users are created in a Post Office under a GroupWise secondary domain, the user never synchronizes to the other GroupWise domains. When you connect to the secondary domains in ConsoleOne, the user does not show in the list of users in the post office.
It was discovered that when we made a new domain directory structure for the primary domain and used it the problem went away.
1. Shut down GroupWise at the linux terminal as "root" with "rcgrpwise stop" - No quotes
2. Rename the current primary domain directory, where it is on disk i.e - "mv hqdom1 hqdom1.OLD"
3. Create a new directory for the primary domain with i.e - "mkdir hqdom1"
4. Copy the 4 .dc files from the GroupWise install directory that has the "install" program, to the newly made domain directory. The directory you copy the .dc files from is called "domain"
5. Copy the primary domain db to the new primary domain directory
6. Start GroupWise with "rcgrpwise start" at the terminal as "root"
Additional Information
The primary domain mta log in verbose logging mode was also showing the errors :
"Error: 8209 Recovering the admin database for <Primary domain database name>". Once we performed the steps in the Resolution section this error stopped occuring in the GroupWise MTA logs.