Novell ConsoleOne 1.3.6
Novell GroupWise 8
Novell NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 8
Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Microsoft Windows 7
While starting ConsoleOne it gives an error :
"Source:\public\mgmt\consoleone\1.2\snapins\security\nici.jar - Problem: AutoRegister, no registrars.
Also: An error occured during ConsoleOne startup. Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/stringbuilder".
The issue can be resolved by uninstalling and re-installing ConsoleOne and then adding GroupWise snapins to it.
Procedure :
- Browse to C:\Novell\consoleone on Windows workstation and rename consoleone to consoleoneold
- Browse to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator or Administrator equivalent user and search for .consoleone directory and rename it as consoleoneold
- Browse to GroupWise Software installation directory | ConsoleOne | Run install.exe and proceed with further installation of ConsoleOne. Once the installation is complete, launch ConsoleOne and check to see if it comes up fine with no error.
- Browse to GroupWise Software installation directory | admin | C1ADMIN and copy all folders to C:\Novell\consoleone\1.2 and replace them with existing folders.
- Start ConsoleOne and it should come up fine with GroupWise snapins.