Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
After applying the oes2sp3-April-2011-Scheduled-Maintenance patch, opening certain types of files fail. So far, known types are:
Additionally, users with Office XP may experience hangs while opening excel files. There may be other types of files. It will basically be anything that is "database" related and requires byte-range locking.
Additionally, users with Office XP may experience hangs while opening excel files. There may be other types of files. It will basically be anything that is "database" related and requires byte-range locking.
1. Disable cross protocol locking for NCP (edit /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf and add CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS 0, then restart ndsd). Do this only if you have 1 protocol accessing your files. If you have multiple protocols (NCP, CIFS, AFP), then leave this enabled.
1. Disable cross protocol locking for NCP (edit /etc/opt/novell/ncpserv.conf and add CROSS_PROTOCOL_LOCKS 0, then restart ndsd). Do this only if you have 1 protocol accessing your files. If you have multiple protocols (NCP, CIFS, AFP), then leave this enabled.
2. Backrev the novell-ncpenc rpm to what came in the shipping code using rpm -Uvh --force. You can get the rpm from the ISO, DVD or here (using your Novell Mirror Credentials):
*Note: As of April 21, 2011, the patches have been re-released. Apply the patches from your normal channels to resolve this issue.