Novell ZENworks 11 Configuration Management
The ZENworksWindowsService.exe may initialize very slowly due to .NET issuing unintended Publisher Verification Checks. The slow initialization of the ZENworksWindowsService delays the completion of the initial device refresh, which is required to complete before the ZCM agent is able to perform a User Source login.
Create a text file named ZENworksWindowsService.Exe.Config and place in the %zenworks_home%\bin folder, which will disable the publication verification checks.
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
<generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>
Reported to EngineeringAdditional Information
The ZENLGN.log files will show a delay between the two entries below if the ZENworks login is waiting on the initial refresh to complete:
ZENLGN [][10:37:30:000] About to call ZENLogin in agent service
ZENLGN [][10:38:20:546] Returned from calling ZENLogin in agent service
ZENLGN [][10:38:20:546] Returned from calling ZENLogin in agent service
Disabling the .NET Publisher Verification calls may reduce the amount of the delay by allowing the ZENworksWindowsService.exe to start it's refresh sooner, but a delay will generally still exist on any login attempts performed as soon as a device is booted to allow for the initial device refresh to complete.
The .NET issue is explained in further detail in the following articles: