How to manually uninstall the PlateSpin Block-Based Driver from a Linux source workload

  • 7008330
  • 08-Apr-2011
  • 01-Aug-2017


PlateSpin Forge 3.x
PlateSpin Protect 10.x


This article outlines the steps to remove the PlateSpin Block-Based Driver from a source Linux workload.  On Linux, blkconfig provides all the controls for the Linux BBT driver. It is installed in /sbin.


Run the following commands to manually remove the driver from the source:

1. Run the following command to check if the driver is active:
lsmod | grep blkwatch
2. If the result contains a line similar to the following example, the driver is still loaded in memory:
blkwatch_7616         70924   0
Run the following command to remove it from memory:
rmmod blkwatch_XXXX
Where XXXX will be replaced with a 4 digit number.  Using the example from step 2, the command would be:
rmmod blkwatch_7616
3. Run the following command to remove the driver from the boot sequence:
blkconfig -u

4. Delete the following directory and file:

5. run "ps -ef | grep ofx"

6. kill -9 "process found above step 5"

7. rm -rf /usr/lib/ofx