How to automatically update printers on a workstation to display the ShortInstallName

  • 7008329
  • 08-Apr-2011
  • 26-Apr-2012


Novell iPrint for Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 2


How to automatically update printers on a workstation to display the ShortInstallName after a printer agent has already been installed on the workstation.
The ShortInstallName can be a useful feature to reduce confusion on workstations and to increase performance of printing with some applications.


Step to configure:
Note: When all the steps below have been performed, the printers on each of the workstations will be automatically uninstalled and reinstalled.
  1. Open up a terminal and login as root.

  2. Edit the iprint.ini file to not inform users when printers are being reinstalled.
    File Location: /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini
    Change the "InformUserOfUpdates = 0" to "InformUserOfUpdates = 1"

  3. Edit the iprint.ini file to add the ShortInstallName if not already done.
    File Location: /var/opt/novell/iprint/htdocs/iprint.ini
    Change the "ShortInstallName = DEFAULT" to "ShortInstallName = <NameYouChoose>"

  4. Restart apache.

  5. In order for the workstations to know there was a change on the printer agent, the driver time stamp needs to be changed.
    To change it for all drivers:
    #find /var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir/* | while read i; do echo "$i"; touch "$i"; done

    To change for only one driver:
    #touch '/var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir/<driver directory>/<driver name>'
    Example: touch '/var/opt/novell/iprint/resdir/driver_windows-nt-5.1_x86-32_en/hp LaserJet 1160 PCL 5e'

  6. Restart the Driver Store.
    #rcnovell-idsd restart

  7. In iManager enable printer(s) to push down an update.
    a) Login to iManager.
    b) Select iPrint-->Manager Print Manager and then select your print manager.
    c) Select the Printer Agents tab and check the Auto driver/Profile update box on the printers you would like to have reinstalled to reflect the short install name feature.

  8. After restarting the workstation or stopping and starting the spooler the printer agent(s) will now reflect the short install name.