Novell Identity Manager 4.0.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 1
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 Service Pack 1
Fresh install of Roles Based Provisioning Module and
Reporting. Users are able to login to the Roles Based
Provisioning Module, but the same users cannot login to
Reporting. The users are members of the Reporting
Administrators group within the Roles Based Provisioning Module
JBoss log shows:
User cn=uaadmin,ou=ServiceAccounts,ou=RBPM,ou=Applications,o=IDV has no access rights.
JBoss log shows:
User cn=uaadmin,ou=ServiceAccounts,ou=RBPM,ou=Applications,o=IDV has no access rights.
The setup of the Reporting Module drivers and Service Accounts are
case sensitive. Run
/opt/novell/IdentityReporting/ReportConfig.bin and reenter the
information exactly as contained in eDirectory. To see what is contained in eDirectory, one should be able to login to iManager and view the objects in question and enter as displayed.
For example, if your organization is o=NOVELL in eDirectory and you specify o=novell, then authentication will fail.
For example, if your organization is o=NOVELL in eDirectory and you specify o=novell, then authentication will fail.