Novell GroupWise 8
Microsoft Internet Explorer - All versions
Microsoft Internet Explorer - All versions
- Images that should be seen in the email message have a big red X where the image should be.
- Under the GroupWise Options, Environment, Default Actions Tab, HTML external images: is set to Always show warning.
- WebAccess will prompt to display the image, if HTML external
images option is set to Always show warning, if not then image will
not display.
- Image does not have to be imbedded.
- Right clicking the image and telling it to Open with Internet Explorer, results in a big red X being displayed.
- Right clicking the image and telling it to Open with Fire Fox, will display the image.
- Default Browser is not set to use Internet Explorer
GroupWise still uses Internet Explorer to display the messages. The
default browser is what gets launched when you click a link.
Because the image will not display with Internet Explorer, it was
determined that the image file was not properly created to begin
Additional Information
The customer used ProofPoint to convert the image from a png format
to a gif format to use with their spam filter.
It is believed that the reason why the image could be displayed in WebAccess, even with Internet Explorer, was because WebAccess used the Document Viewer Agent to convert the file into a more readable HTML format that allowed it to be displayed correctly.
It is believed that the reason why the image could be displayed in WebAccess, even with Internet Explorer, was because WebAccess used the Document Viewer Agent to convert the file into a more readable HTML format that allowed it to be displayed correctly.