DLU Policy Filters not working

  • 7008223
  • 28-Mar-2011
  • 29-May-2012


Novell ZENworks 10 Configuration Management with Support Pack 3 - 10.3 Policies


The DLU policy filter is not working correctly when trying to filter on DomainLogin.


Create new registry keys to specify whether login is to AD domain or not and whether logged into local. Also specify in the keys whether login to eDirectory is successful or workstation-only login is done.These keys can be taken as system requirements for DLU.

Additional Information

If the Novell Client is installed on a device, the HKLM\Software\Novell\ZCM\ZenLgn registry key that has DWORDs, DomainLogin and eDIRLogin is added by default on the device. The value of DomainLogin and eDIRLogin helps to identify whether a logged-in user has logged into Novell eDirectory or Microsoft Active Directory. This key is used now used to define a filter based on being logged into a domain. 1 = true

Additional detail provided in the documentation https://www.novell.com/documentation/zcm10/zcm10_system_admin/?page=/documentation/zcm10/zcm10_system_admin/data/bookinfo.html