Novell Access Manager 3.1 Linux Access Gateway
Following is seen in the ics_dyn log:
Jan 16 22:04:16 AMHUIS : AM#104504000: AMDEVICEID#ag-FBBFD4DDBB19F-0: AMAUTHID#833123B14C6FA31FE088A11308D1BB02: AMEVENTID#0: Removing User:0x9633f620 failed? useCnt:0 Indx[h:7829 o:3407872]
Middle/last indexCollision and NotFOUND
This is seen with 30 seconds interval.
No functional loss has been reported.
Bug has been reported to development to get the error code changed or to get the message removed.
Additional Information
It happens when proxy creates a data structure to store the details (like activity time, timeouts, accessed contracts etc) of a user that is logged into NAM system, but, it really hadn't received that information.
For example, initial request for authentication lands in one LAG say lag1, and lag1 creates the data structure for that user.
But, subsequent requests land in other LAG say lag2. lag1 doesn't have any information about the logged in user other than the empty data structure. Those data structures gets cleared every 30 seconds (there is a thread to do this) and that time, we may see these messages in logs.